THE FOREIGNER - Five Songs for Soprano and Piano on Poems by Sarah Baxter
THE FOREIGNER is a collection of five colourful and compact poems set in California, where Sarah Baxter, the poetess, grew up. The texts are full of surrealistic images and hidden meanings that depict stories from a trip the poetess and singer took back home after she had moved to Europe at the age of 18.
My attempt was to create a vivid musical landscape around the poems, all the while maintaining the mystery behind them. Before writing down any note Sarah and I sat down and read it out loud to each other to discover the atmosphere of the poem together. The contact with the author (in this case so conveniently also my Duo singer) is essential for my understanding of the texts. It is only through this that I can identify with the depths of each verse.
Do you have any thoughts on this piece? I would love to hear them!