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Pisces (2016)

Pisces (2016)


I have always been fascinated by the constellations: not in terms of astronomy, but in terms of the psychology and variety of the characters. This piece should illustrate dualism and fluidity, which is achieved by both hands alternating in the melody during the whole piece. The constantly flowing waves that is found in the repeated pattern of the accompaniment indicates the fish arising from and falling back into the water. Pisces are supposed to be warm and generous people. I hope my composition brings forth this feeling!

You can watch me playing this piece in Colorado Springs: Ioana Ilie performs Pisces

The marvellous cover has been painted by Ariana Richards, who played the role of Lex in Jurassic Park when she was a little girl. An award winning artist, Ariana creates most of the beautiful covers of the CCC (Contemporary Composers Circle) publications, a music company in Colorado Springs (US) founded by Phillip Erklen.

Pianist. Composer. Improviser

"The best in music cannot be found in the score..."
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